Articles & Publications

Contributor/Reviewer: Our Bodies, Ourselves, 2011

Contributor: Our Bodies, Ourselves, Pregnancy & Birth, 2008

Co-author chapter 23: Our Bodies, Ourselves, A New Edition for a New Era, 1998

Co-author chapter 21: Our Bodies, Ourselves, for a New Century, 2005

"Effects of Childhood Abuse on Childbearing and Perinatal Health"in Health Consequences of Abuse in the Family: A Clinical Guide for Evidence-Based Practice American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 2004.

A Phenomenological Study of Children Who Witness the Birth of a Sibling: An Abstract of Dr. Issokson's Doctoral Dissertation

Birth as a Family Event

Guidelines for Having Siblings Present at Birth

Childbearing and Self-Care

"Fears about pregnancy" in Expectant Mother's Guide to Boston, 2010

"Are hypnosis-assisted birth techniques for everyone?" in Spirit of Change Nov/Dec 2001.

The Emotional Launching of a Family

Self Care: Is it an Elective or a Requirement?

Postpartum depression: Proposal for prevention through an integrated care and support network, Applied and Preventive Psychology 6:169-178 (1997), Cambridge University Press, co-authored with Alice LoCicero and Dianne M. Weiss

We're Keeping an Eye on Her

Meaning and Distinction

Psychoanalysis and infertility myths and realities, The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Volume 83, Issue 1, pages 85-104, February 2002, co-authored with Roberta J. Apfel , MD, Rheta G. Keylor, PhD,Darlene Bojrab, MSW, Mara Brill, MD, Sandra Steward Horne, MSW and Susan Levin, MSW.

"Birth as a Family Event: Including Children at a Sibling's Birth" The Boston Parents' Paper, November 1994, pp. 22-23

"Siblings at Birth", The Midwife Advocate, Vol. 7, #4, Winter 1991.

"Siblings at Birth", reprinted in MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, Vol. 1 #2, pp. 172-173.

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332 Washington St. (Route 16), Suite #125,
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481
2 Columbia Road (Rte. 53), Suite 11
Pembroke, MA 02359